MIDI Note Numbers

The MIDI note numbers 0 to 127 map to musical notes as shown in the following tables. Note that although most manufacturers label this range as C-2 to G8, with middle C being C3 (as I have here), you may come across some manuals that describe this range as C-1 to G9 (with middle C being C4).

The first table lists the MIDI note numbers, in hexadecimal (base 16).

Middle C is highlighted.

-2-101 2345 678
C 000C1824 303C4854 606C78
C# / Db 010D1925 313D4955 616D79
D 020E1A26 323E4A56 626E7A
D# / Eb 030F1B27 333F4B57 636F7B
E 04101C28 34404C58 64707C
F 05111D29 35414D59 65717D
F# / Gb 06121E2A 36424E5A 66727E
G 07131F2B 37434F5B 67737F
G# / Ab 0814202C 3844505C 6874
A 0915212D 3945515D 6975
A# / Bb 0A16222E 3A46525E 6A76
B 0B17232F 3B47535F 6B77

Or in decimal, if you prefer.

-2-101 2345 678
C 0122436 48607284 96108120
C# / Db 1132537 49617385 97109121
D 2142638 50627486 98110122
D# / Eb 3152739 51637587 99111123
E 4162840 52647688 100112124
F 5172941 53657789 101113125
F# / Gb 6183042 54667890 102114126
G 7193143 55677991 103115127
G# / Ab 8203244 56688092 104116
A 9213345 57698193 105117
A# / Bb 10223446 58708294 106118
B 11233547 59718395 107119